Sunday 20 December 2020


With the approaching winter season in Pakistan there are many people who are living below the line of poverty who do not have proper homes, clothes and quilts to protect them selves from the extreme cold. Poor destitute people who live on the footpath are bound to face the cold without woolen clothes or blankets. Hundreds of people die of shivery cold every year due to the lack of woolen clothes. Those people are helpless because of poverty.

Poor people are mostly engaged in labor work and they work without proper clothing and shelter and hence easily engulfed by coldness. Further, poor old age persons are the neglected section in the community and family and they don’t get proper clothing and housing facilities and hence face challenge in the cold seasons. In this situation there are death cases also in the state.

This is where HOPE -A Health NGO in Pakistan, comes as a ray of light towards the people who are helpless. HOPE has distributed blankets to the people who have no one to reach out to, during the winter seasons.  These blankets will protect the people from the piercing cold especially at night and help them get sound sleep without any fear and worry and there will be definitely some reduction in the number of deaths of shivery cold.

Giving blankets is a great way of helping out the community. Donations of blankets can make a great difference to an individual or organization, especially homeless. In the raining & freezing nights,  HOPE - An NGO in Pakistan, found many poor people living on the roads. There are millions of underprivileged who cannot afford even a blanket and die. without a roof or cloth on their bare bodies.

There is no better gift than providing warm blankets to the needy people during the winter season. Thousands of homeless experience the bitterness of winter and are at a great risk of suffering from severe illnesses. The rise in air pollution levels and the early onset of winter this year have made them vulnerable, but at the same time Under the leadership of Dr. Mubina Agboatwalla - A Child Specialist in Karachi, the team distributed blankets to the needy people in slum and rural areas. This winter become a part of HOPE’s mission. There cannot be a bigger satisfaction than saving someone’s life.

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