Friday 13 September 2024


Community hygiene helps prevent infectious diseases from spreading throughout the neighborhood. Hygiene practiced regularly creates healthier communities. On a more global scale, community hygiene helps save lives of everyone by decreasing the spread of dangerous diseases such as diarrhea.

The primary cause of diarrhea is unsafe water and a lack of basic sanitation and hygiene.
In addition, being the 21st century many societies do not have access to toilets; people are using the bathroom outside in the open. This creates a dangerous environment, especially for children, who are often playing on the ground in these areas.

In places where people walk, pathogens causing diarrhea and other illnesses pass along feet and hands and eventually to food and mouths.

This is where HOPE – A Health NGO in Pakistan constructed a Toilet Located at Allah Dinno Mollah Goth, Sujawal. This toilet, benefits almost 50-60 houses in the vicinity, causing them great ease and solving their basic washroom problems.

Villagers claim these toilets have solved many problems. Alongside these there are also many handpumps installed by HOPE – An NGO in Pakistan, where villagers are provided with clean, pure water. These toilets are constructed on a 5x5 sq foot.

Community hygiene combined with safe water and proper disposal of waste saves lives. Not only does community and environmental hygiene help protect young children, it reduces illness for everyone. Families are healthy and more productive. Children spend more time in school rather than recovering from illness.

Dr. Mubina Agboatwalla – A Child Specialist in Karachi, ensures that there are toilets and handpumps in all communities where HOPE has reached out to. So that people have easy access to clean drinking water and sanitation. 

Thursday 5 September 2024


Water is an essential resource for all life on Earth. If a water source becomes contaminated due to pollution, it can lead to health issues in humans, such as cancer or cardiovascular conditions. In such circumstances HOPE – A Health NGO in Pakistan comes as a light in the darkness. In samples of groundwater there are dust particles and bacteria which is the cause of diseases such as diarrhea, typhoid, intestinal worms and hepatitis.

HOPE - A Health NGO in Pakistan in collaboration with Procter & Gamble Pakistan, is making clean water accessible by distributing P&G Purifier of Water sachets to the underprivileged communities. P&G Purifier of Water sachets are used for preparing safe drinking water. One single sachet purifies up to 10 liters of brackish water. Compared with other products available in the market, P&G Purifier of Water leaves no salty or sour after-taste. The Pur demonstration team of HOPE explained exposed the hazards of drinking unsafe and polluted water to majority of population in Ghaggar and educated them with the benefits of healthy clean water by P&G purifier.

On 31st August 2024 HOPE team demonstrated the process of cleaning water using P&G Purifier’s sachets of water in Ghaggar. Several people were present during the orientation where they learnt the importance of drinking clean water and how to prepare it by themselves at home. Each participant was provided a purifying kit that consists of a cooler, bucket, muslin cloth, spatula and 120 sachets of P&G Purifier of Water. Under the leadership of Dr. Mubina Agboatwalla – A Child Specialist in Karachi, HOPE has been working constantly to improve the lives of the people in Ghaggar by creating awareness among them about the benefits of safe drinking water. The sole purpose of the activity was to benefit the people by providing them with the access of pure clean drinking water.