Most poverty stricken communities in Pakistan have limited access to safe drinking water, resulting in various water-borne illnesses. Therefore,
HOPE has been actively involved in providing access to safe water across the country to poor communities.

In June 2009, HOPE began its safe drinking water campaign in the slum areas of Karachi. The project included the distribution of a water-purifying agent known as
PuR. This water-purifying agent comes in a sachet, and when mixed with dirty water, removes 99% of germs and bacteria, leaving the previously dirty water now drinkable. From June 1 to July 30, HOPE distributed 1.2 million sachets of PuR. Demonstrations were also held to show the community members how to use PuR and emphasize the importance of safe and clean drinking water to a person’s health. Buckets, coolers and spoons were also distributed to the families.
In 2010, when floods struck the country, millions of people were left homeless. With little or no access to safe drinking water, diseases such as diarrhea and gastroenteritis became rampant. Part of its relief efforts entailed provision of clean water. HOPE distributed PuR to 40,000 families—15,000 in Peshawar, 10,000 in Muzzafargarh, 10,000 in Sukker, and 5,000 in Thatta, along with buckets, coolers, spoons, and ICE material. Demonstrations were held and people were handed out brouchers, in order to ensure proper usage of the product. In total, 1.8 million sachets of PuR were distributed.

In 2011, HOPE joined hands with Procter & Gamble Campany Cincinnati, Ohio and signed a ditribution accord that gave HOPE the rights to distribute "P&G Water Purifier", a water purifying product to various international and local NGOs.
The product name has been changed from "PuR" to "P&G purifier of water". The product is backed by P&G’s unmatched assets of extensive research, development and market goodwill, corresponded by HOPE’s wide-ranging field experience in coordinating disaster relief in Pakistan.
After the distribution agreement with P&G, HOPE has contacted more than 80 INGOs, donor agencies, community based groups and partners to distibute P&G Water Purifier for provision of safe drinking water in flood affected areas and distributed about 17 million P&G water purifier sachets various INGOs such as WHO, UNICEF, Save The Children, International Federation of Red Cross and International Medical Corps.
Moreover, HOPE distributed these sachets to an estimated 285.000 families in rain affected areas in Sindh in 2011 alone.
HOPE strives to provide access to safe drinking water to millions of poverty-stricken people accross Pakistan and takes it as its responsibility to help all those people in need.